Awana is a world-wide nonprofit ministry focused on providing Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solutions for ages 2-18. As the global leader in child and youth discipleship, Awana gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus, no matter their background.” (Awana® Clubs International, 2018).
NorthPointe Church’s Awana Ministry currently only accepts children that are fully potty trained. Awana has moved to an Apologetic based curriculum written by Dr. Sean McDowell. Our Middle School curriculum (6th-8th grade) is heavily Apologetic based and pulls from Dr. Frank Turek and Dr. Sean McDowell. The 6th-8th grades are also taught leadership principles and are encouraged to become Awana Teen Leaders by the time they enter High School.
Our Awana Ministry follows the Bartow County School System’s calendar as closely as possible. Awana is canceled anytime Bartow County School is canceled. No exceptions!
As most of you know, NorthPointe Church is always busy doing God’s work. Time and space are precious commodities. There are other Ministries before, during, and after Awana, and there is no overlap time. Please be on time! Awana begins at 6:00p.m. and ends promptly at 7:30p.m. Our volunteers time is a gift to you and your child, please don’t abuse it.
On behalf of our dedicated Awana Leaders and Team Leaders I would like to welcome you to come out and try our updated Awana program. Like every Ministry, we welcome new volunteers.
Anna Pinkard
AWANA Ministry Leader
NorthPointe Church